Released on: September 29, 2008, 4:59 pm
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Industry: Law
Press Release Summary: GO TO USA180.ORG FOR MORE INFO AND VOTESTRIKE.COM ---------------------------------
HR Bill now Senate Bill 1959 �The Violent Radicalization Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007� If this legislation is allowed to become law it will abolish your first Amendment Rights.
Freedom of Speech. Right to submit redress of grievances to the government. Censorship of the Internet or complete or partial denial of access. Creation of three more highly paid bureaucracies, which will further burden our bankrupt economy. We list the deficits as of 4 months ago, because until the determination by congress on the 700 billion bailout is made we cannot give a more recent figure as this bailout will affect many broad ranging figures. These are the figures David Walker, past Inspector General used in a desperate attempt to warn the Congress, Senate, and the Executive Branch earlier this year (2008). All warnings completely ignored. Disgruntled Walker went on a nationwide mission along with the Heritage foundation attempting to alert corporations, and individuals alike. but fell on deaf ears.
David Walkers Numbers Early 2008 (maybe + or - very close) 53 Trillion Dollars Entitlements debt (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare etc�) 7 Trillion Dollar Federal Deficit 6 Trillion Dollar Trade Deficit David Walker stated that in order to just maintain the debt (like paying minimum payment) we needed to have 7 Trillion Dollars invested in treasury Bills at the current interest rate (rate at time of comment) So how much did we have then invested or currently today invested in Treasury Bills to just maintain our debt, which has grown horrifically since these comments. ANSWER: ZERO. Sorry it is 0. Senate Bill 2433. This piece of work if properly researched and all references purportedly traced to the end will reveal to you a spending of an additional 859 billion dollars of foreign aid above and beyond the current 130 countries we support. If we are bailing ourselves out, and we are, broke how can we support 130 countries let alone an additional $85900000.00? Looking further, this bill will jeopardize our Sovereignty, ability to bear arms, and subject American citizens to the court of Rome. Introduced into the Senate in December 2007 by Senator Obama (2008 Democratic Presidential Candidate). We are change, but 859 billion is scandalous. The L.O.S.T. Treaty
1 Billion Dollar contract to Black Water to police U.S. Citizens when needed
Military agreement with Canadian government to allow Canadian Forces to cross the U.S. border to aid in policing U.S. citizens.
Major push to form the North American Union. That would deplete U.S. sovereignty by dissolving the Canadian and Mexican borders. To date 19 States have submitted resolutions to block. To block the SPP, NAFTA, NAFTA Super Highway. Congressman Goude along with many endorsers introduced House Resolution HC40 to also block the North American Union, SPP, NAFTA, and Super Highway.
US Army to begin assisting in policing US citizens on October 1st 2008. Once this operation is implemented it will be replaced by an unnamed group and the operation of policing American Citizens will be a permanent one. During this the army will introduce a new weapon that is non-lethal to use in subduing US Citizens The same document this information came from states �In the meantime they�ll learn new skills, use some of those they acquired in the war zone, and more than likely will not be shot at while doing any of it.� What he heck is that suppose to mean? Many have asked why we have remained silent during this media frenzy regarding the 700 billion dollars bail out. Simple; because it is just that. A frenzy. A frenzy of more confusion, and convoluted truths. We felt no need to add to this ruse. This clever move on the American people was a vulgar move toward their next goal.
Concerning the Bail out plan.
Keep in mind they have proposed a second plan which is no more than and alternative. Do not be deceived. It is all in the plans. So I only cover the initial one and leave it up you to decipher the second. We will later. It is important to realize these are only proposal they have submitted thus far.
Lets take a look.
Have you read the bail out plan? If you did, what was there that angered you? What appears to have enraged all the protestors mainstream media telecast on Wall Street and many other city streets. What was it that mainstream kept repeating? Simple: Section 8 of the bailout act. The bit about no courts or audits allowed no oversight. This would be an utter and total disaster if allowed would you not agree?
Why is it that never in history have they made such an outlandish attempt at such veiled secrecy, and bold attempts to operate without oversight? Why is it that we heard thousands of citizens making comments as follows; �they are nationalizing our banks� or the government is buying up our country only to have us pay the bill? I absolutely would love to know why all of a sudden mainstream media decided to actually seemingly cover stories or show footage of enraged citizens without spinning the story to make them appear as villains.
There has never been an attempt to include wording to allow them to operate in secrecy or to perform their duties with no over sight simply because they have never had the need for it nor did they have a need to include it in this bailout. Why is this? Because, they already operate with no oversight and have never in history been audited. There was an attempt in 1975 to pass legislation to require audits, but was swiftly shot down. We fail to realize that we are speaking of the Federal Reserve, not to be confused with the Federal Government, as they are a privately help corporation. Why are people so worried about the Federal Government buying out banks and such? It is far more sinister than that. It is the Federal Reserve doing all the buying. A privately held corporation, not a government organization.
We will pay for it. Yes, the citizens will be paying for the purchase of America by an independent corporation. Very gracious of us. Refer back to the fact that the Federal Reserve is doing all the buying, and there was no need to include the language of having no oversight or court looking over their shoulder because the only legislation that has ever been suggested to allow it was shot down in 1975. Therefore, they already have this luxury. We must ask why they included the language in the act, and included it in a way that it was so obvious and inserted as a separate section? Common sense would lend to one wanting to at least make an attempt to conceal it in the language. No, it is placed there intentionally, and carefully placed so you are sure to not miss it.
The media was most gracious in covering a concerned and angry citizenry. Our faithful fair and balanced media once again at the aid of the people. Yes to insure that those who did not see article 8 found out about it, and had it pumped in their heads in the media frenzy. Also to let Americans know others were enraged and were already protesting. Maybe suggesting they join in. The aforementioned is the reason we have refused to submit any broadcasts concerning this contrived media frenzy until now. We can only hope that Congress produces a decent piece of legislation for America, and in the best Interest of American Citizens right? Maybe the right decision from Congress would be to refuse the bailout all together right? We may want to ask ourselves this. Have they designed this in such a way that it matters not which way it goes? Let me just give a few tidbits to ponder.
If I ever stray from absolute definite truth I state it. This is only food for thought and [speculation] in the next few lines. Certainly worthy of thought all the same. I will let you decide.
Could the economy already be crashed. If not why a huge bailout, just to buy time?
If we refuse a bailout the Federal Reserve will not print money, thereby causing an immediate depression of unprecedented proportions. A sudden depression would cause panic, unrest, and the need of martial law immediately just to maintain order. A bailout on the other hand would allow for more restrictions. Tighter regulations and certainly gain the approval of an unknowing public to further hand over rights, liberties, and freedoms. This is far easier than forcing it. Why not let Americans hand it over willingly? Either way they achieve their goal. At some point there will have to be a certain amount of force. The amount needed is yet unknown to them or anyone. If they can achieve a major portion of the plan peacefully it certainly is in their favor. Be assured they have one thing that has to be accomplished, and it will not be as easy to achieve as most of the other portions of their agenda. THEY MUST HAVE OUR GUNS! THEY HAVE MADE MANY ATTEMPTS TO OBTAIN OUR GUNS, AND RIGHT TO BEAR THEM. SOME ATTEMPTS YOU ARE AWARE OF OTHERS YOU MAY NOT BE. FOR NOW JUST KNOW THAT. PERHAPS AT A LATER TIME WE WILL LIST MANY WAYS THEY TRIED TO ACHIEVE THIS AND FAILED. GO TO USA180.ORG FOR MORE INFO AND VOTESTRIKE.COM Warmest Regards,
Dr. Mark Taylor National Director, USA180 404-287-0414 Fax: 206-350-8788 Skype mark.taylor11 All email for play ball Dr. Taylor
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